Abundance Comes From Living On Purpose

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

You Don't Have Because You Don't Ask

How did we come to think that poor is better than abundance? Greed and abundance are polar opposites. Greed implies there is not enough for everyone so I need to grab what I can and hold on to it. Abundance causes us to relax because there is plenty for all of us and none need to suffer. Look at creation for examples of this abundance - stars, galaxies, grains of sand, oxygen molecules, blades of grass, flowers, animals, plants, ova, sperm, hair, water molecules, and even people.

I am 52 years old and there are twice as many people alive today as were alive when I was 10! Amazing, isn't it? So why do we think we need to hoard things and fear that we won't have enough of something? Satan tells us this lie so we won't be effective Christian witnesses. Instead of having the peace that passes understanding and freely sharing our blessings with others, we believe the lie and spend our lives working hard and never feeling fulfilled because we don't think we deserve to be fulfilled. Think about it. Now relax, drink a glass of water, count the stars, and be thankful for the abundance in your life.

To Your Abundance,

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Abundant Life

Most people lead "lives of quiet desperation." How can this be since Jesus said he came that we might have life, and have it more abundantly? The two chief gifts of the Holy Spirit are power and love. Wow, how awesome that is!

Sadly enough, much of my employment life has been one of quiet desperation. I have been a registered nurse for 31 years. Initially, I became a nurse for idealistic reasons. I wanted to help the sick and dying in our world. As time has passed, my idealism has been tainted by many factors. Hospitals have become big corporations with profit margins being the main focus. Litigation and huge lawsuit awards have caused health care providers to spend more time, money, and energy on "risk management" than on patient care.

I prayed for an alternative and we were blessed with an answer. Our new business allows us to work from home, take time off whenever we want to, and help people become healthy and whole. In fact, I feel so much better about being able to offer people a way to achieve health, wealth, and spiritual wholeness now than I did as a nurse. I have more resources to live the abundant life in work and in missions than I ever saw possible working as a nurse. And the best part is that I haven't stopped being a nurse. I can use those gifts in missions when and where the Holy Spirit leads me. God, not my boss, is in charge of my life.

If you are looking for an alternative to what you're doing, I would love to help you explore some solutions.

To Your Abundance,