Abundance Comes From Living On Purpose

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Abundant Fishing

How does the sport of fishing relate to an abundant life? Fishing is not my favorite pasttime although my husband enjoys it a lot. Since I live on a huge lake with close to 600 miles of shoreline, I see people spending lots of time and money on the sport of fishing. They never seem to tire of this sport because they know there is an abundance of fish in the water. There may not be an abundance of fish in everyone's boat but there are always fishermen with sizable catches.

If you go to a bait shop or the fishing section of a sporting goods store, you will quickly realize that there is an abundance of tackle and ideas for catching fish. Such is the case for achieving abundance in other areas of life, particularly in the area of monetary wealth. From my own experience with achieving abundance, I first started by asking people who were already catching an abundance what kind of tackle (goods, services, advertising) they were using. Then I did what they told me and it worked! Sometimes I catch more than I do at other times but one thing is for certain: if I don't go on the water and actually fish (take action toward achieving abundance), it's a sure bet I won't bring home a catch.

As I look back on my life, I realize that some times I fished the way I was told and did not achieve abundance. Such was the case when I worked for an employer who promised me a salary and a "benefits package" that let me get by but not achieve abundance. The conventional wisdom in our society is to fish "small." We are told that we only need a few fish for us to survive. However, how about when we want to share our fish with others who may not be able to fish.

When I was considering a career change from being employed as a nurse to being an entrepreneur with my own home business, I heard a still small voice in my head. This voice was not audible, but it clearly stated, "Drop your nets on the right side of the boat." Those of you familiar with the Bible will recognize these words as Jesus' when he asked the disciples if they had caught any fish and they had not. Even though they were experienced fishermen, they benefitted from listening to a higher authority. So did I. Let's continue to fish with an expectation of abundance.

To Your Abundance,
Sandra Hayes

Monday, June 18, 2007

Is Abundance In Your Future?

If someone were to ask you how abundant your future looks, how would you answer? None of has a crystal ball nor or any of us guaranteed tomorrow. However, we can predict what may happen tomorrow based on the actions we take today. For instance, if a person continues to work at their current job, it's a good bet that the next paycheck will look very similar to the last one. Also, a negative cash flow leaves little hope for any nest egg, much less a large enough one to retire in abundance.

To achieve more than one is accustomed to, one has to learn to think and act like someone who achieves more. In other words, one has to think and act differently than they have been. For some reason, many people think that luck plays a part in how successful or wealthy people become. This is why average people think that their only hope of achieving financial abundance involves winning a lottery. If this were true, why would anyone aspire to entrepreneurship? Rather, entrepreneurs believe with all their hearts that they have what it takes to achieve financial abundance.

As Americans, we like to think that we live in a country that guarantees us freedom. We hear about free speech and the freedom to become anything we desire. Yet, too many of us have bought into the idea that our time is not really ours. We have traded the freedom to spend our days in pursuit of our own happiness and abundance in exchange for a wage. Most of the people I know are unhappy with their wage and the time freedom they have traded for this wage. This was certainly the case with me. I chose to be a nurse in order to help people and to achieve a middle class standard of living. However, by the end of the work day, I was so mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted, it was hard to believe I had really helped anyone. I certainly wasn't helping myself. And the idea of my taking a day off or a vacation for myself was rare indeed.

In just the past two weeks since I chose to leave my job, I have served on a 3-day mission for incarcerated juveniles, spent quality time with my husband and our friends, and consistently exercised everyday. I accomplished this in addition to working our home business 3 - 4 hours per day 4 days a week. Meanwhile, I have been shopping and preparing to take a 10-day trip to Australia beginning this Friday. Talk about feeling an abundance of freedom!

You deserve all that life has to offer, too. I am thankful to be able to share the same op!portunity for abundance that I was given. It gives me great pleasure to help people achieve an abundance of health, wealth, and freedom.

To Your Abundance.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Abundance Begins With Gratitude

We all see and experience abundance in our lives everyday. We just don't always recognize it and express gratitude for this abundance. I know this is true for me. It's so much easier to focus on what we don't have and wish we did than to be grateful for what is already ours.

The very fact that we exist is a reason to be grateful. Add to that our families, friends, homes, food, clothing, automobiles, etc. Do you feel differently about your situation now? The best way to brighten your mood every morning is to list the things your are thankful to have in your life.

Many of us are unhappy with our current employment situation. Either we are not employed and are looking for a way to generate income or we find ourselves enslaved to a job that demands more of us than we can continue to give. The latter was the situation I found myself in. It took a while for me to believe that I am capable of generating a substantial income without a boss until I began looking at other people who were already doing this. We all have the same creator and the same opportunities. It is simply up to each of us individually to recognize all that we have and all that we can become.

My challenge to you today is to identify the abundance in your life and believe that you are capable of achieving, receiving, and giving much more.

To Your Abundance,

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Are You Worthy of Wealth

Many people feel unworthy of wealth. Maybe it's a Judeo-Christian teaching or maybe we are afraid of what wealth might do to us. It's a fear we all need to conquer. The world and the people in it only grow by achieving and sharing. If we lack wealth, how do we prosper and share with others?

The beauty of our business is the focus on giving. The more we give to others in the form of training and encouragement, the more successful we become. Look at the people in the world who do the most good. Abundance is required for sharing. If one has nothing, whether it be faith, love, hope, or physical possessions, nothing can be shared.

As we journey forward, may we all accept the abundance creation offers so that we can make a positive difference in our world.

To Your Abundance,

For a free, personal interview on achieving abundance in your life, fill out the confidential form below. Or leavel me a message at 800-852-7695. Also, visit our website http://www.askmred.com/