Abundance Comes From Living On Purpose

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Abundance - A Fresh Perspective

An awesome aspect of being alive is greeting each day from a fresh perspective. I remain grateful for my abundant past, but I can only live in and enjoy the present. With this thought in mind, I choose everyday to see fresh abundance in my life and in my world.

We returned home tonight from an almost two-week trip to Florida and Houston. We visited with friends along the way and shared in their abundant lives. We never lacked for anything - there was always plenty of food, shelter, and gasoline for our vehicle. More importantly, there was an abundance of love and laughter.

Upon returning home, we learned of the sudden death of one of our friends who was 53 years old. He loved life and was always grateful for the abundance God provided for him and all of us. His untimely death reminds us that our time on earth is limited. So it is our responsibility to be grateful for each day and the abundance it holds.

This reminder of my mortality also reminds me of the urgency of doing all I can each day to share my abundance with others. There is so much to share - knowledge, opportunity, love, time, and money. I am grateful to have an abundance of all the above. If you are looking to make some changes in your life so that you can enjoy and share more abundance, I am eager to explore with you what you are looking for. I am grateful to be learning more each day about living and sharing a life of abundance - from a fresh perspective.

To Your Abundance.
Sandra Hayes

Sunday, July 15, 2007

A Future of Hope

One of my favorite Bible verses is Jeremiah 29:11 where God speaks through His prophet to give us hope for our future. I awoke this morning full of gratitude for all the blessings and possibilities in my life. All of creation is so miraculous and full of promise. God created each of us with minds and spirits to envision, create, and love.

Too often we allow ourselves to look only at our current situation and the past decisions we made that created this situation. To focus on the past robs us of the hope we can have for the future. Our future begins today, in this very moment. The past is over and today is a new beginning. Andy Andrews, in The Traveler's Gift, tells us there are 7 decisions we make everyday that will help determine the future God wants us to have. The important word here is decision, meaning we have the power to decide something. We are not victims when we ourselves have the power to decide how this future of hope will look.

Those 7 decisions deserve a lot of attention and I invite you to read Andy's book for yourself. In the meantime, remember everyday that you have the power to decide what today will look like for you.
Remember Jeremiah 29 :11 (Good News Version) I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for.

We owe it to God to believe this promise. He created us to grow, achieve and share this hope for an abundant future. I am grateful for the abundance in my life and invite you to allow your life to become one of abundance also. It really is simpler than you may realize.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

A Bigger Pie

I was fortunate to attend a conference last week in Sydney, Australia. Talk about abundance! Bob Proctor of "The Secret" fame was our featured speaker. One main point he made is that we do not need to compete for our "piece of the pie." Rather, we can always make a bigger pie! You see, we succeed by helping others to succeed - not by keeping them from doing so.

Isn't that refreshing? Our creator created us to multiply - not just in numbers but in our own personal growth. We are not designed to slow down but rather to speed up! So let us speed up as we set our sights on achieving abundance and especially in helping each other to achieve abundance.

I am so blessed to be part of a company that provides a top quality product, an awesome community, and offers continuous training and support. If you are interested in increasing your life and sharing the bigger pie, contact me.

To Your Success,
Sandra Hayes