Abundance Comes From Living On Purpose

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Believing Is Seeing

Too often people people say, "I'll believe it when I see it." However, the opposite is far more likely to happen. Anyone who has had a dream and taken the action to make it real can attest to this. Does an inventor see his invention before he believes it to be possible? It is in first believing that we reach the point of seeing.

Everything in the world has been here since the beginning, whenever that was! We've all learned that matter can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed. I think about how awesome this is as I sit typing on this computer. It is even more awesome when I look at my grandchildren, my pets, and the trees in my yard.

All of these living organisms are constantly growing and changing. I cannot create life but I can create changes in my own life. As long as I believe that success is possible for me and others, I am motivated to take the appropriate actions to bring about that success. In today's economy, I see way too many people immobilized by what they consider to be impossible conditions. I maintain that nothing is impossible as long as we believe it to be possible.

It is 5 days until Christmas Day. The greatest miracle ever happened on that first Christmas. Only those who truly believe that God loved His people enough to become a man can accept that Jesus is the Son of God and defeated death. Another instance of having to believe something in order to see it.

I know people right now who are financially devastated. While I am blessed to be able to assist the needy, I know that this is not my highest calling. Rather, my calling is to encourage the discouraged and give hope to the hopeless. To do this, I must convey to them that they have the power to transform any aspect of their lives right now. After all, believing is indeed seeing.

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