Abundance Comes From Living On Purpose

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Abundance Abounds

So here we are in the last month of 2008. Worldwide people are wringing their hands over the state of the economy. I met with my financial advisor today and we were both laughing and enjoying life, knowing that the current state of the stock market is temporary. Such is the case whether the Dow is up or down. It's all about perspective and faith. This fact is taught in our personal development business and was solidly reinforced by in our pastor's sermon this past Sunday. How can we ever think there is lack when it so obvious that abundances abounds in our world.
Today I celebrate my physical , emotional, and spiritual health. In so doing, I focus on what is good and positive in my life and in the world. Hopefully, we all know that we manifest what we focus on and think about. My prayer is that everyone comes to realize this immediately. There are circumstances we cannot change or control, but we can choose our thoughts. The best way to guard our thoughts is by limiting what we allow ourselves to see, hear and read. TURN OFF THE NEWS. STOP READING THE NEWSPAPER. Read, watch, and listen to positive material only. Ask yourself if what you are reading, watching, listening to and thinking about are moving you closer to your goals or not. If the answer is "not," then leave it alone and focus on something that will improve your life.
So let's get back to my Jody's sermon (he's my pastor - I don't always enjoy his sermons but this one was one of his best ever). The basic premise is that God is all-powerful, the creator and sustainer of everything both animate and inanimate. Secondly, God is willing, even eager, to share that power with us. In Ephesians 3:20, we read, "His power at work in us can do far more than we dare ask or imagine. "(Contemporary English Version, E-Sword) That is so amazing if you just think about it. The same power that created the universe and living cells is available to me. I just have to acknowlege and believe this.
Jody went on to say that we are given the "power along the way." This means that we don't immediately realize we have the power until we step out on faith and take action. As soon as we obey and move in the direction our heart (the Holy Spirit) is directing us, we see the power manifest itself in the occurrence of miracles. This reminds me of Indiana Jones stepping into the abyss to reach the Holy Grail. As soon as he takes the step, the bridge appears. We just have to take the step, knowing a miracle is about to happen.
I am so grateful for this knowlege of abundance and power. Because of this certainty I have no fear of the future. You see, I'm living my life with full knowlege of the final story. When you know how a story ends, there's no need to fret about the challenges the hero encounters in the middle chapters. When you start living this way, there is no limit to the miracles you can manifest. God is eager for us to live our lives with His power.

To your abundance (and God's Power),
Sandra Hayes

Monday, August 18, 2008

Beans, Babies, and Abundance

Have you ever considered what a long shot you are? Considering the abundance of ova and sperm produced by your parents, especially the millions of sperm produced by your father, what a miracle that you turned out to be you. Don't you feel annointed already? I sure do and am grateful that I was picked for the team. It is exciting to have this chance to make my mark on the world. It's an awesome responsibility.

Part of the awesomeness of this reponsibility concerns how I choose to spend my time on this earth. Thanks to my decision to take control of my time instead of selling it to an employer, I was blessed to be able to spend 2 1/2 weeks at my daughter's this past July. One of the reasons I was there was to assist her in caring for her newborn daughter and 3 1/2 year-old son. These offspring of mine are very precious and hold a lot of promise for the future of the human race.

So now for the green beans! Our daughter is very conscious of the food she and her family consume. As a result, they have begun growing some of their own food using the Square Foot Garden technique. When I first visited her, I noticed there were no green beans in her garden. Green beans are very abundant in our country and quite nutritious. For some reason, I was unable to find green bean seeds in the local garden stores in Palm Bay. Fortunately, my late father was an avid gardener. He bought seeds by the pound and stored them in a freezer. Sure enough, I found his store of seeds still in the freezer in my mother's garage.

Since my father died in 2003, a person of little faith would say these seeds are too old to germinate. In other words, their potential to grow and produce would be a long shot. If there is one spiritual gift I possess in abundance, it is faith. So I took the seeds back to Florida and planted them in my daughter's garden. By the end of the week, 26 of the 27 seeds I planted germinated! This would never have happened had I doubted their potential and left them in the jar.

In summary, we are all miracles with a special part to play in life. We are only limited by our imaginations and the faith to act on our ideas. Playing it "safe" shows a lack of faith. God had the vision to plant me here at this time through a miraculous series of events. As a result, I am determined to live each day in awareness of my unique potential. Being blessed to live in an abundant world, I have the responsibility to grow and produce every day. If an old, frozen bean seed can come to life and bear fruit, surely we can do so much more.

To Your Abundance,
Sandra Hayes

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Your Life Purpose

I keep hearing people like David Neagle and Alexandria Brown say that we are God. As a Christian, I know that I, per se, am not God. I did not create myself. I do understand this philosophy however. I am again reading Wallace Wattles' book, The Science of Getting Rich, where he describes everything being composed of "thinking substance." This is so true in that all that is, has been, or ever will be was first created in the mind of God, including us. In Genesis, we read that we were created in God's own image. This gives truth to the idea that we contain God's essence and are therefore God. So that brings me to the question my 3 year-old grandson asks multiple times a day, "Why?" What is the purpose for my life?

It's obvious God has a grand purpose for each of us or he would not have taken the time to make us unlike any other person he ever created. As humans, we often have limiting beliefs about ourselves. This kind of thinking diminishes our unique greatness. Would we dare to belittle other creatures? Of course not. So if God thought me important enough to invest his "thinking substance" in, I must have a unique and special purpose for being here at this time. And so do you.

These thoughts about my purpose surface every time I decide to set new goals. I recently read that rather than focus on "this" to get "that," why not simply focus on "that" in the first place. So I took this very step in setting goals. My ultimate goal, my number one "why", is to leave a legacy that glorifies my creator. At the end of my journey in this body, I want God to truly say that I did what He planned and made Him proud. So now I must back up and set intermediate goals that all lead toward that end. Quite simply, what must I do today that will glorify my creator? After all, the way I spend my days is the way I spend my life.

I invite you to think about this as well. Think about your talents - the things you enjoy and are good at. They are clues to your purpose. Now devise a plan for using those gifts every day to expand your mind, enlarge your sphere of influence, and make a positive difference to everyone you meet in some way. Your life purpose isn't something that will happen one day, it's unfolding before you this very minute. I applaud you for being worthy of reflecting the image of your creator.

To Your Abundance,
Sandra Hayes

Monday, May 19, 2008

Abundance Can Only Come From A Place Of Positive Energy

In our Beyond Freedom Home Study Course, there is a section entitled Positive and Negative energy. Last night I was blessed to be a part of a weekly tele-conference devoted to sharing personal insights and wins of people who are working through this course. Some of us have done this course multiple times and for others it is their first time throught it. As I listened to one of the developers of the course, Shane Krider, describe his own thoughts and experiences with positive and negative energy, I had a sudden revelation which totally related this to the book of Genesis in the Old Testament.

The idea of positive and negative energy is very basic. We all have experienced positive and negative in ourselves and others at various times. When we describe the characteristics of each, it becomes evident that positive characteristics energize us, excite us, and make us smile, while negative characteristics cause us to sigh, withdraw, and maybe even cry.

Shane said that whether we are displaying positive or negative energy represents what is in our hearts. When we are positive, the energy that is coming from our hearts is really purt love. This very idea is at the essence of creation itself. The Garden of Eden, which represents the beginning of human life, was created out of love and was totally focused on love. Abundance was everywhere - the created were in positive relationship with each other and with their creator. Humans loved God, their creator, they loved each other, and they loved themselves. This is perfection at its finest. There is harmony, happiness, and endless possibility.

I would like to think that the story now ends with, "and they lived happily ever after." If that were the case, we wouldn't even need a personal development course to help us erase the garbage that has crept into our lives via negative energy. When did this start? Sadly, it began right after the creation of all that is good and holy as the polar oppostite of positive, which is negative. In the Genesis story, God simply warned Adam and Eve not to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for if they ate this fruit, they would die. They, like us, have free will, and we all know the rest of that story. It didn't end with Adam and Eve, however. Everyday, we have the choice as to which kind of fruit we will eat. Fruit from the tree of life or fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Our creator, God, is love, light and life. His polar opposite, best-known as Satan or the devil, represents hate, darkness and death. To choose one is to reject the other. Why would anyone choose the latter? Anytime we doubt the existence of our loving creator, we give power to his polar opposite, which represents negative energy. Since I do have a choice, known as free will, I choose to fill my senses, and my mind and heart with positive energy. By doing this I too become a source of positive energy that gives life, love and light in a world that otherwise knows only death, hate and darkness.

Today I am so grateful to know that I am a unique person who was created in the very image of God Almighty. This means I am a reflection of Him who is love, light, and life. I am also a reflection of His creative power that will live for all eternity. Sometimes this is too much for my conscious brain to comprehend. However, my subconscious mind is totally in harmony with this and enables me to imagine, create, and love what is created. I know without a doubt that in this world so full of possibility and abundance, every thought I have and every action I take matters.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Fear Of Abundance

Why in the world are 97% of Americans convinced that they are destined to work for someone else for a fraction of what they are worth? Don't you and they believe that it is possible for someone to become a millionaire? Then why believe that it is only possible for someone else and not for you? Could it possibly be that most people are afraid of abundance?

Think about it. Abundance changes everything, doesn't it? It makes us responsible for more than simply surviving. When we possess riches of any sort, we are forced to become stewards of those riches. Don't we all think that we would do great things if only we were wealthy? So if we allow ourselves to become wealthy, we have to make good on our promises to ourselves or others.

None of us was created for mediocrity. We have within us the seeds of greatness that God lovingly bestowed when he created us in his image. This is a legacy of immeasurable potential. Satan has lied to us and we have believed him when we think ourselves lowly and unworthy of abundance.

I believe in your abundance and am ready to take a stand for your greatness. Contact me today and let's get you moving forward!

To the Liberation of Your Abundance.
Sandra Hayes

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Abundance - Do You Really Want It?

Man, I was totally blown away this past week in a Disciple IV Bible study I facilitate. We are studying the gospel of John and this particular passage comes from John 5:1-8. In these verses, we find Jesus in Jerusalem near the Sheep Gate. Near this gate is a pool which people believe has healing properties so many infirm people lie near it awaiting a chance to be helped into the pool for healing. The question is, do they really want the abundance of healing they seem to be waiting for?

Jesus meets a man there who has been an invalid for 38 years. Jesus asks the man if he wants to get well. At first this question seems like a no-brainer until we examine the man's response. He starts making excuses for why he has not been able to get into the pool and be healed all these years. He never did answer the question Jesus asked but instead made excuses. Jesus didn't ask the question again nor did he comment on the man's excuses. Jesus simply told the man to pick up his mat and walk, which he did.

You may be wondering why this impressed me so much. Well, for starters, even though I am quite able-bodied and thankful for this fact, I saw myself as the invalid. I have prayed for change in the form of increased abundanced but was I really prepared for the changes that would bring? In being healed, the invalid's life was totally changed. He could no longer cling to the same excuses that had kept him from moving ahead for 38 years. It's no wonder he didn't immediately say "Yes" when Jesus asked if he wanted to be healed.

I started thinking about this in relation to abundance. What if we've been praying for a better job or more money and suddenly an opportunity presents itself for this to happen? Do we immediately jump at the opportunity or do we look for excuses? Are we afraid the opportunity isn't real, or are we afraid it is real? If it's real and we accept it, then we will have to change, won't we? We know what our current situation is like, regardless of how uncomfortable it is. Allowing ourselves to be changed (healed of the discomfort) holds a huge element of uncertainty.

Thankfully, I accepted the opportunity for healing and abundance in my life. This healing has brought time and financial freedom like I never dreamed possible. Was it scary to let go of the old, familiar life? Of course. Was the healing and subsequent abundance worth it? Absolutely. I invite you to examine your life. Have you been asking for "healing' but afraid that it might happen? Do you really want to stay stuck by the pool or would you rather pick up your mat and walk? The abundant life is one of not only walking but running.

What if this blog holds the answer to the abundance you say you've been waiting to receive. Do you really want it? For a relaxed conversation to help you decide, fill out the form on this page and I'll call you. Or you can call me. I believe that healing and abundance are readily available for all of us.

To Your Abundance,
Sandra Hayes

Monday, January 28, 2008

If You're Ready For Abundance, Then Look Out!

People often think they are ready to receive abundance in their lives until it actually presents itself. Then they start looking for reasons they don't deserve it or even for faults in the abundance itself. People often pray for a better job but when one presents itself, there are all kinds of reasons they find not to accept it. The commute is too long, the hours aren't right, the benefits package is lacking, etc. I'm sure you don't think that way so if you are ready for abundance today, then keep reading and look out!

In the area of financial abundance, there are numerous obstacles people have to overcome in order to be in receiving mode. If you've read this blog before, you know that my husband Ed and I are home based business entrepreneurs and have been for almost 2 years. When people ask us what we do for a living, we say we are in direct sales of personal development products. Our 3 products carry profits of $1,000, $5,000, and $8,000 each. We also have a built-in referral system and a plan for residual income.

If you have deservability issues, then you may already be skeptical of profits such as these. Whoever came up with the idea that decent profits are bad? I'm happy to pay someone else a profit on their service as long as the value I receive from the service or product exceeds what I pay for it. The products and services we offer far outweigh their costs in many ways. Our products serve to assist people in becoming the best they can be in any arena they choose. They are unique, non-fattening (in fact people who use them often improve their health and fitness), they have little or no adverse impact on the environment, and they are tax-deductible.

If you are ready for abundance in your life and would like to take an objective look at our business model, then give us a call or fill out the form.

To Your Abundant Success,
Ed and Sandra Hayes

Monday, January 14, 2008

Defining Abundance In Today's Economy

Many people I meet with have the mindset of lack. This is known as poverty consciousness. Focusing on lack simply causes one to live as though there is never of enough of something - money, material things, relationships, good will, etc. However, focusing on abundance is known as prosperity consciousness. And of course, whatever we focus on we attract, right? So how do we define abundance in today's economy?

If you have money in the bank, food in the pantry, and clothes in your closet, your life is more abundant than most people's in our world. Simply living in a country with freedom to choose where to live, work, and go to church opens your life to more abundance than you can imagine.

Now comes the real challenge. Are you living scared as you work at a job you dislike because you have convinced yourself that it provides you with some sort of security? In today's economy, there is no security working for a corporation whose sole concern is its own bottom line, not yours. True security comes from believing in yourself and your ability to generate sufficient wealth to afford you and your family the lifestyle you want and deserve.

So take a look around. Would you like to improve your situation? If the answer is yes, I stand ready to assist you in exploring possibilities. My goal is to assist as many people as possible to reach their true potential and experience the life of abundance that is available to us all.

To your abundance.
Sandra Hayes