Abundance Comes From Living On Purpose

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Here's To Your Health

This is part 1 of a series on health. Having been a registered nurse since 1976, I have seen many changes in the field of health care. Most of the people I encountered professionally were seeking sick care rather than healthcare. It seems to me that people are not willing to take responsibility for where they are in life. Healthcare is no different. People would rather be at the effect of outside influences instead of being at cause for their own health. If I can assist one person in changing their perspective on this, my efforts will be rewarded.

It's interesting to note that nurses are among the top trusted professionals in the United States. I feel honored by this trust and seek to uphold it with all I say and do. For this reason, everything I share will be something I truly believe with all my knowledge, wisdom, and experience. What is the most important health concern to people today? Is it cancer or such chronic illnesses as arthritis? I invite comments to this blog to assist with this answer.

From my observations, I would say that failure to take responsibility for their own condition is the number one healthcare issue. Ignoring advice about diet, exercise, and weight control contributes to all kinds of problems including the 2 mentioned above.

You can rest assured that I am not immune to these issues either! As part of my own overall goal to improve my health, I plan to lose 12 pounds in the next 6 months. Wii Fit is assisting me with this. We all need a coach of some sort to challenge us and hold us accountable. To achieve this goal of course, I must think about what fuel I put into my body. As with any goal, every action I take is either taking me closer to the goal or moving me farther away from it. Can you guess which category a Dunkin donut falls into?

Ask yourself what benefits you can expect from improving your health. Having more energy and stamina as well as looking better are adequate motivators for me. I know I'm stating the obvious here, but if it were simple, wouldn't everyone be doing it? My goal with this blog is simply to help you take a look at your own health and focus on some realistic changes you can make to feel better and enjoy life more.

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