Abundance Comes From Living On Purpose

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Abundance and Prosperity Consciousness

Have you ever caught yourself saying something like, "That's just how I am"? Or "I'm a pessimist by nature." We all remember seeing the picture of two 8 ounce glasses with 4 ounces of water in each glass. We were told to describe the glasses and we found ourselves either responding with "half full" or "half empty." If you chose half full, you lean toward abundance and prosperity consciousness. If you chose half empty, you lean more toward lack and poverty consciousness.

Depending on a lot of factors, most people lean toward being more positive or more negative. In spite of your inclinations, remember that the world really is a level playing field. Even though some people may start out with an apparent advantage such as being from an affluent family, we are all capable of achieving any goal we set our hearts and minds on.

Just this morning I was doing some personal development meditation and journaling. My assignment was to choose 3 beliefs to impress onto my subconscious mind everyday until they become second nature to me. All of us can improve our self-image and become more capable and positive in our approach to life.

The three beliefs I am impressing upon my subconscious are:

1. My world overflows with neverending abundance.
2. I have talents that deserve to be richly rewarded.
3. Everywhere I look, new opportunities present themselves.

Feel free to use these statements to change your outlook. In the process you will become more prosperity and abundance conscious. In fact, your attraction to this blog could very well be a step in the right direction. If you'd like to find out more about personal development and how it can make your life more abundant, contact me.

To Your Abundance and Prosperity Consciousness,
Sandra Hayes

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