Abundance Comes From Living On Purpose

Monday, June 11, 2007

Abundance Begins With Gratitude

We all see and experience abundance in our lives everyday. We just don't always recognize it and express gratitude for this abundance. I know this is true for me. It's so much easier to focus on what we don't have and wish we did than to be grateful for what is already ours.

The very fact that we exist is a reason to be grateful. Add to that our families, friends, homes, food, clothing, automobiles, etc. Do you feel differently about your situation now? The best way to brighten your mood every morning is to list the things your are thankful to have in your life.

Many of us are unhappy with our current employment situation. Either we are not employed and are looking for a way to generate income or we find ourselves enslaved to a job that demands more of us than we can continue to give. The latter was the situation I found myself in. It took a while for me to believe that I am capable of generating a substantial income without a boss until I began looking at other people who were already doing this. We all have the same creator and the same opportunities. It is simply up to each of us individually to recognize all that we have and all that we can become.

My challenge to you today is to identify the abundance in your life and believe that you are capable of achieving, receiving, and giving much more.

To Your Abundance,

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