Abundance Comes From Living On Purpose

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Are You Worthy of Wealth

Many people feel unworthy of wealth. Maybe it's a Judeo-Christian teaching or maybe we are afraid of what wealth might do to us. It's a fear we all need to conquer. The world and the people in it only grow by achieving and sharing. If we lack wealth, how do we prosper and share with others?

The beauty of our business is the focus on giving. The more we give to others in the form of training and encouragement, the more successful we become. Look at the people in the world who do the most good. Abundance is required for sharing. If one has nothing, whether it be faith, love, hope, or physical possessions, nothing can be shared.

As we journey forward, may we all accept the abundance creation offers so that we can make a positive difference in our world.

To Your Abundance,

For a free, personal interview on achieving abundance in your life, fill out the confidential form below. Or leavel me a message at 800-852-7695. Also, visit our website http://www.askmred.com/

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