Abundance Comes From Living On Purpose

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Feel Empowered

Is you life as abundant in all areas as you would like? If so, congratulations, because you are responsible for your achievements. By the same token, if you feel lacking in some area, you are also responsible. The good news about both of these states is the common denominator - YOU.
I hope this makes you feel empowered.

You see, if everything that happens to us is simply by luck or chance, then nothing we do or don't do can change our situation. The truth is that our decisions and the actions we take based on those decisions can cause lots of things to happen. Doesn't this feel good? It means I'm in charge of my results.

Even though the world is full of abundance and we all deserve to achieve any goal we set, we must make decisions, take action, and believe. Just deciding won't make it happen. And just believing won't make it happen. Neither will taking action without belief make it happen. All three parts must be in place for abundance to come into your life.

In my business, I talk to people everyday who would like for their lives to be more abundant. I help them explore the areas they're happy with and the areas they would like to change. We talk about the very real, very lucrative business opportunity I have and the fact that anyone with desire and a willingness to be coached can succeed with us. The people who are serious about creating and allowing abundance in their lives take advantage of it. The ones who are not serious continue to live unsatisying lives simply because they won't make a desision, take action, and have faith.

Aren't you glad you can feel empowered to make your life as abundant as you want it to be? I stand ready to help you explore your options and make an informed decision that can improve your situation in a dramatic fashion. The first decision I invite you to make is to contact me. You have the power right now, today, to start a new chapter.

To Your Abundance,
Sandra Hayes

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